A Healthy Lifestyle

 Hi everybody!!

How can we become healthier?

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) that describes the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle. Include appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures (modals of suggestion/obligation).  Check your punctuation, grammar, spelling, and coherence.  At the top of your comment, write your full name, date, and name of the subject.

Make a comment to at least one of your partners mentioning which advice you liked the most and why.


  1. Valeria Astrid Diaz Ruiz
    Feb 11, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    If you want to have a healthier life you must start with your mind. Try to have good thoughts, be relaxed and calm it´s definitely a good way to begin. The body comes next, try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise. This will make you feel with more energy to do your daily activities. At the same way, try to keep a control in your weight. You should not smoke because this may bring you some troubles to breathe. For last but not less important, try to have a good diet, this includes a lot of fruits and vegetables and do not forget to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

    1. I totally agree with you. People usually don’t focus on their mental health even thought is the most important thing! A person can have good exercise and food habits but if they don’t take care about their mental health their body may resent.

    2. Lesly Judith Sánchez Martínez
      February 16th
      I agree with you, because the most important thing to have good health is to also have the self-esteem of wanting to do it, to have a good mentality, removing problems that perhaps affect us at one point

    3. José Emilio Carrizales Sepúlveda.
      February 16th, 2021.
      I totally agree with what you mentioned about the not-smoking thing. Some people think having a healthy lifestyle it's just about eating sane and doing exercise, but they often forget to mention the awful consequences smoking can do in your health!

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  3. Angel Jared García Del Bosque
    February 12 / 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    To have a healthy life you must consider two important things: mental health and body health. The mind is so powerful and anything that affects it can lead you to very dark places. To take care of your body you should go to a professional to recommend the perfect diet and exercises for you. If you are a newcomer in exercise never overexert yourself and never forget to warm up before working out or you could end up injured or with health problems.

    1. I think it is really important that people warm up before doing exercise, and not to push our body excessively to earn the goal that we want. Other thing that you recommend is the help or valuation of an expert, which I think it is really important. I agree to everything you say.

    2. I totally agree with you, since the mind has a lot to do with this because it is what manages our body, but I think it is not necessary to go to a professional since you can start doing things yourself by watching videos on the Internet or something. Well, if you want a radical change, you can go with a professional

  4. Guadalupe Jazmín Muñoz Pinal.
    Feb 13, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en legua inglesa A2

    Having a healthy life is very important. If you want to have a healthy life it is necessary that you have good habits, like drinking 2 liters of water a day and you have to stop drinking beverages with high sugar content, you should eat fruits and vegetables every day, do exercise, it’s not necessary to go to the gym you can do it at home or practice some sport, even walking. You must take into account the calories in the food you are going to eat and quit vices like smoking or drinking alcohol; But the most important thing is in your mind, remember, healthy body, healthy mind.

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. I totally agree with you, because it is no necessary to go to the gym to do exercise for have a healthy lifestyle you can simply take a walk or jog on your daily routine and you will be healthy and at the same time have a healthy body.
      Also drink water it is really important.

  5. Rebeca Sofía Robles González
    Feb 13, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    “Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – World Health Organization, 1948.

    If you want to become a healthier person you should begin by changing your habits and routine. Left behind bad addictions such as drugs, drinking and smoking, also stress, avoid them. In addition, you should start doing some exercise, at least 30 minutes (or more) by day. Second you should eat healthier and drink water instead of coke, have a balanced diet but don’t be restrictive to yourself. As well, you should do some yoga, go to therapy or do meditation as a mindfulness exercise. And finally you must rest 7 or 8 hours per day.

    1. I agree with you because it is time to end our bad habits. That is a good start for anyone. Even I must end bad habits like drinking too much soda or overeating, I know it is difficult but working hard I think I can change all my bad habits.

  6. Betsy Carolina Salinas Alanís
    Feb 13, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    Having a healthy lifestyle, is not just a physical thing, it is not just about having a good looking body. It is about been healthy from the inside.
    Here are some recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.
    Have a balance on what you consume, for example: eat vegetables and fruits, proteins, cereals, drink a lot of water and of course do exercise.
    It is no necessary to do sports like basketball, football, swim. You can do some cardio like walk, or jog, it helps you to have a healthy heart, lose or maintain weight, and of course to have a healthy body.

    1. Garcia Garza Gabriela Odeth

      Couldn't have said it better! Good looks doesn't always equal feeling good. I would also suggest taking care of ourselves mentally and emotionally, since this is often overlooked when talking about health.

    2. Balderrama Sauceda Valeria Azeneth
      February 15, 2021

      I agree with you, healthy life goes beyond having a good body, we have to have a healthy mind to feel better with us and lead a long and full life, habits greatly influence our mind.

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  8. Diana Edith Rodriguez Ibarra
    February 13th, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    In order to have a healthy lifestyle we have to be aware of our habits and change the ones that don’t bring anything good to our body and mind. When we talk about healthy food people run scared because they think that it’s not delicious at all, nevertheless, it’s all about creativity; people can always eat healthy and delicious! Also, exercising is something that must people struggle with, it’s important to find something that will keep us active at the same time that we have fun. Another thing that we don’t pay attention to is to having a healthy mind, we should do activities where we relax our mind like meditating, or some creative activities. The balance is key when we try to have a healthy lifestyle.

    1. García Garza Gabriela Odeth

      I think it's very important to stay active, just like you say, but also to keep our mind entertained! There is no point in doing things just for the sake of it or because somebody told us so, but also we need to be conscious of the decisions we're making, and if they're leading us to the best versions of ourselves.

  9. García Garza Gabriela Odeth
    February 14th, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    A healthy lifestyle for me is always making choices that benefit our well-being. This could be different for everybody. Daily or weekly exercise and eating healthy food are always in the picture when we talk about it, but a healthy lifestyle for me is also related to the choices we make, that impact us both mentally and emotionally. Being self-disciplined, having routines, being consistent, knowing how to set boundaries, setting up realistic goals, are some of the examples that come to my mind.

    1. Ariadna Abigail Oliva Segovia
      February 14th, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with you, Gabriela. I think it is also important what you mention about making choices because we have to analyze what is good for our health and what is not. We have to start having discipline to be able to make this healthy lifestyle.

    2. Alondra Castillo González

      I agree with you Gabriela, the choices we make play an important role in our life, it's not just about the physic health, it's also about the mental and emotional health and I believe that without them it would be almost impossible to maintain a good lifestyle.

    3. Susete Hernández Inzunza
      I agree with your comment, I think that having routines, setting realistic goals and being consistent is really important, because once you know what do you want to achieve, these tips can be very valuable, it doesn´t matter if it´s having a better looking body, having better grades, etc.

  10. Ariadna Abigail Oliva Segovia
    February 14th, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    When you want to start a healthy lifestyle, you should consider attending with your nutritionist to check your weight, muscle mass and fat. It is important to measure all these aspects to assign you a diet because having this information you will know where to focus to improve your physical condition. And once you have your diet, you could ask to your nutritionist what types of exercises you can do for complement your start a healthy lifestyle. Although you can start your healthy lifestyle by yourself by stopping eating fast food, products high in sugar and saturated fat, but I really insist the is important to go with a specialist.

    1. Rebeca Sofía Robles González
      Feb 14, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      It's true that people should go to a spealist, but also, I think that having a healthy lifestyle is more than just taking care of your body. Being healthy is taking care of yourself, as body, mind and soul.
      Doing sport and eating a well-balanced diet can help you to prevent some illnesses and control others as: anxiety, stress, depression, etc. But, when you have a good self-esteem (or at least you're working on it) you don't get worry about your weight or other facts related to your body image, indeed, you start caring about your health because you want to. That's when you become a better and healthier person.

    2. Santos Diego Marciano Méndez
      Martes, 24 de agosto 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      I'm a cree with you in go with an nutrionalist to check it our weight, muscle mass and give it a diet or tips for the exercise.

  11. Alondra Castillo González
    February 14, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    In an attempt to have a healthier life, people should know that it's not only about our bodies, of course it is important to have a balanced diet, stay hydrated, practice some sport that we like or by just simply exercising for a few minutes or hours, however it is not only about that, our mind is a powerful tool that we can use in our favor. Having good thoughts about life and ourselves it's also important to achieve greater things and it's also a way to keep us healthy.

    1. Gloria Fabiola Navarrete Carrazco
      February 14, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificacion en lengua inglesa A2

      I agree with you, not only to have a healthy lifestyle is to eat well or drink water, but also to maintain a healthy and positive mindset of life

    2. I agree with my classmate because its very important keep a good feeding in a balanced diet with enough that it should contain , drink enough water of course and t bhe excercise for the body

  12. Job Daniel Reyes Lopez
    February 15, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificacion en Lengua Inglesa A2
    In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle is a habit not for all people, some can do it and others not because of the responsibility it carries. One of the most important points could be to eat a balanced diet with vitamins, nutrients, minerals, drink 2 or more liters of water daily. Another very important one for me is exercise, if possible every day. Getting enough sleep also helps a lot to rest the body and you can lead a healthy life every day. Avoiding stress for me is the most important thing because with that we live every day, someone who does not live stressed could say that he is completely healthy

    1. Anakaren Castañeda Alatorre 15/02/2021
      Avoiding stress, mental fatigue, bad habits of all kinds is the best way to help you to have a better lifestyle.

  13. Gloria Fabiola Navarrete Carrazco
    February 15, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    It is very important to have a balance between your mind and your body to have a healthy lifestyle, develop good habits. Staring with your mind, you can meditate for a better concentration before starting your day and don´t use your mobile as soon as you wake up, give yourself some time for you, be positive and organize your time. For your body, you must have a balanced diet, and exercise for 30 minutes for a better physical condition, also so you can have energy for the daily, you need to sleep well the 8 hours normally recommended, don´t drink alcohol or smoke, they can damage your body over time.

    1. Anakaren Castañeda Alatorre 15/02/2021
      I totally agree with you. It´s very important to have a balance between your mind and your body. Organization, willingness and positivism.

    2. Janis Mariana González Penagos 15/02/2021
      I agree with you, balance is the most essential thing to have a healthy lifestyle; as with products with harmful effects on health, those should be avoided completely.

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    4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    5. Pamela Xitlali Alonso Villegas
      February 25, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      I agree with you, it's very important to have a balance between our body and mind to have a healthy lifestyle. I like your advice about not using the cell phone as soon as we wake up, because many times we don't give importance to that when we should be aware of the consequences that it brings.

  14. Spring21 i26 Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    Anakaren Castañeda Alatorre 15/02/2021
    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves activities that do not cause negative health effects, including:
    Get enough rest. There is talk of at least sleeping about 7 or 8 hours. With regular hours of going to bed and also getting up.
    Drink enough liquids, especially water, although in this section we can include any non-alcoholic and non-gaseous beverages.
    Exercise. Each within its characteristics and possibilities should propose to take care of its physical state through activity and mobility. There is a huge diversity of exercises that each can be easier or more accessible to perform but we must be constant and at least every day have half an hour to be able to walk for a while.
    Take care of your diet, you should start by limiting the intake of insane products such as saturated fats, trans fats or simple sugars. It is based on removing these foods and from there introducing a higher volume of fruits and vegetables.
    In addition to all these routines that you must start including in your daily life to achieve a healthy life, if you are a smoker, you must stop this habit. It is one of the habits, as we all know, that most harms your health.

  15. Janis Mariana González Penagos
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    Having a healthy lifestyle implies having initiative. You can't change anything about yourself if you don't feel like doing it. It's about getting exercise that makes you feel good and eating food that is good for you and that you like. Nothing works out of obligation, everything must be balanced, excessive exercise is just as bad as not exercising at all. That is why it is equally important to have a healthy body and have a healthy mind, both are necessary to have a healthy lifestyle.

    1. I agree with you Janis, it is totally true that all begins with having motivation and the initiative of doing it, if we do not have that, we do not have anything. It is a good point that helps me to think before.

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    3. I agree with you ,because there are many people who don't like exercise or eat some foods , so it's important to find healthy foods and activities that like you

  16. Valeria Azeneth Balderrama Sauceda
    February 15, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, you must first organize your daily activities and give space to meditations so that your mind leaves behind the negative, an essential part of a healthy life is exercising or a sport of your choice. You should start by improving your eating habits and eating a balanced diet, reducing the consumption of foods with high levels of sugars and saturated fats, you have to consume more fruits and vegetables, drinking water every day will keep you hydrated and energized. You should avoid drinking alcohol or any substance that damages your body, this will prevent diseases in your body in the long term.

    1. Hi Valeria, i wanna to say i totally agree with ur comment “ first organize your daily activities and give space to meditations so that your mind leaves behind the negative...”, a few months before, i didn’t organize my daily activities so my life was so messy, now i do list to everything i need to do and thats more easy for me

  17. Ailed Anahí Leyva Solís
    February 16th, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    What about having a healthy lifestyle? I think the answer for this question, starts when we have a good mental health, when we know about controlling our emotions and feelings.
    It begins when we always put ourselves first, in every act, knowing about how that make us feel, and take decisions about that feeling. Doing exercise, eating healthy food is also a way, but I think it’s something collateral.
    My routine, the routine that I think helps me to have a good and healthy life, starts every day, when I sleep well, when I do my spinning class, when I eat about 4-5 every day, when I listen to my motivational podcast, and, also, when I share a little about what I know.

    1. Patricio Hernández Medina
      I think so Ailed, we have to have a good mental health, that can give us motivation and help us with the body health, and of that way we can find the balance that we looking for

  18. Patricio Hernández Medina
    february 16th, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    If you want to have a healthy lifestyle you have to begin with a mental aspect, you have to be fine with you and with the world, you can visit a nutriology if you want, he or she can helpyou with the food, you should do exercise all the week, at least 1 hour per day, you can relax on the weekend, you must drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, it´s one of the most important things that you have to do for the mental aspect you can visit a psychologist if you want, remember that not everything it´s about the body, it´s important find a balance between body and mind.

    1. Guillermo Mikael Muñoz Miramontes
      February 16th 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
      I really agree with you on the matter that there should be a balance between body and mind, so that we can become healthier.

  19. Lesly Judith Sánchez Martínez february 16th, 2021
    Having a healthy life means having a good habit of mental and physical health, improving our lifestyle for the better, starting with feeling with self-esteem that helps us do it. For this, you have to have good habits, such as a healthy and balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables related to our age, then carry out daily exercise for at least 30 minutes to maintain an ideal weight, and feel lighter and more energy, sleep enough, reducing some kind of problem such as stress that can affect our healthy life. within healthy mental life, it means finding ourselves, thinking about ourselves and being able to meditate and think for ourselves

  20. Dayra Camila Banda Valerio
    February 16th, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    A healthy lifestyles have exercise and food, but also a good mental balance.
    A healthy mind helps to be able to carry out positive actions to the body, such as motivating yourself to run every morning, eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, have meals that contains a low amount of saturated fat and more.
    For help, you can do a list of healthy lifestyle behaviors like: Brush and floss daily, smile and laugh many times a day, meditate, pray, last but not least, have a positive attitude.
    These are many things that we can forgot to do, even if its daily things.

  21. Susete Hernández Inzunza
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    In order to have a healthy lifestyle, I think mental health is super important. The way you manage your feelings and emotions is important, especially during this pandemic. I like to write in a notebook what is going in my mind, and it has really helped me. I also think you must do exercise or stay active and stay hydrated. I love rollerblading fast trough the street. That´s probably what I like the most from my neighborhood; I can rollerblade safely. You should also take your heart rate sometimes.

  22. Guillermo Mikael Muñoz Miramontes
    February 16th 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    Hi! Let me give you some tips on how to become healthier.

    There are many important things if your goal is to get a healthier lifestyle, but I believe the most important one is to have a positive attitude.
    Your body believes what you think, so you should focus on the positive.

    Exersice daily.
    You don't need to do exhausting workouts to be healthy, 10 or 20 minutes should be enough, you should try taking a long walk, or riding a bike.
    You should also drink lots of water, and eat lots of vegetables.

    Good Luck.

    1. Mayra Lucía Martínez López
      February 16th, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      I agree with what you said, totally true. It’s not necessary to spend the whole day training, with 20 minutes each say is enough.
      And of course staying positive will give us a huge advantage.

  23. Mayra Lucía Martínez López
    February 16th, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    Sometimes we understand that to have a healthy life we most focus on following a very strict diet and killing ourselves in the gym every day with exercises that our body isn’t used to doing. But this is totally false. One day my old coach told me that to have a healthy life the first thing we must do is adapt to the new, we must start with something light and not go directly to demand more than we can bear.
    But the most important thing is to have a healthy mind, trust ourselves and be patient, especially having a lot of willpower.
    Exercise is essential but we can start with a daily walk then start jogging and finally go for a run to get physical condition and start with exercises appropriate in our nivel.
    Drinking water benefits too much and eating a balanced diet that adapts to your needs avoiding substances that are harmful to the body is of great help.
    Living a healthy life isn’t about pushing ourselves hard. It’s about being patient and taking the risk of changing our bad habits for good ones.

  24. José Emilio Carrizales Sepúlveda.
    February 16th, 2021.
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2.
    To have a full healthy lifestyle, you need to get a balance between mental and physical health. Starting by not stressing way too much, learning how to control your feelings and emotions and to express them in a healthy-sane way. Sleeping to 8-10 hours per night and doing activities to make your brain release good chemicals to feel great. As for the physical health, you need to start by eating a lot of greens and eat less flour, sugar and dairy. Doing exercise at least one hour per day and drink lots of water.

    1. Angela Anaheli Carrera Torres
      February 16, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      I really liked your post because it is very important to know how to express your emotions in a healthy-sane way, and the way you explain how to have a healthy lifesltyle is very easy to understad.

    2. It´s interesting that you include the mental health, after all, our body works since the brain.

  25. Angela Anaheli Carrera Torres
    February 16, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    The definition of a healthy lifestyle means to be in a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not simply just the absence of desease, to be capable of achieving this lifestyle there are certain steps, actions and strategies that can help you to achieve optimum health.
    Having a healthy lifestyle is about taking responsability for your decisions and making smart health choices.
    There are many ways to have a healthy lifestyle, one of them is starting to do physical exercise, if you are starting to do exercise after a long time, you should start with light exercises, like, go jogging or take your dog out for a walk, once your muscles get used to the movement you can do harder exercises acording to your level. It's also very important that you let your muscles rest form all that exercise, you can take 1 or 2 days off from the exercise.
    Having a healthy diet is also very important, try to replace soda or coke with water, and you can eat more proteins, vegetables, and fruits.
    If your interested on improving your mental health you can practice the act of forgiveness, you must love and have compassion for those who need it, you also need to laugh and experience happiness so you can have a joyful relationship with yourself and others too, you can also work on your positive self-image, try to have positive thoughts and self-supportive attitudes.
    Your health depends on what you do throughout the day, every day. A healthy lifestyle is absolutely vital. A simple solution is to slowly improve your lifestyle in a step-by-step way, and replace your bad habits with good habits.
    Having a healthy lifestyle it's not easy and it take's time, but with patience and perseverance you can achieve it, and once you start to exercise your mind and body you'll see and feel the benefits.

  26. Perez Benavides Vanessa Citlali
    February 16, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2.
    I think healthy lifestyle include a mental healthy because you have the power of change your lifestyle in all aspects.
    All people think make exercise, go to the gym, eat food healthy its mean a healthy lifestyle but you don't have the habit of give thanks, medite, helpful your mind don't conect with your body, and this action is a wrong step for the healthy lifestyle.
    You can start with be thank with the universe and all the people, sleep 8 hours, drink 1 or 2 litters of water, reduce meat, suggar, sodio, changues the lift for stairs, don't smoke and don't drink beer, eat more vegetables and fruits, make exercise 1 or 3 days at the week, meditate all the days.

  27. Iván Alejandro Castillo Rodriguéz
    Febraury 22, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación inglesa
    I think if you want a healthy life style, you need first know your body, what you body needs and also recognize the food or things that your body doesn´t need . You must drink water, its the most important, some poeple prefer juices, or cola drink.
    Another advice is your sleepy hours, i think depends the hours its different in all of us, but the recomendation its sleep about six or eight hours a day.
    And also the food maybe you need to eat a little of everything.
    Finally the exercise, if you can, go to a gym, buy if you can´t, you can do in your home, or maybe walk in a park close to your house.
    And that´s are my advices .

    1. I also think that the food is important to have a healthy life style, because if you reduce the junk food that you eat , that can help you to have a better skin.

  28. Tea Patricia Campos Castillo
    Febraury 23, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    For me is very important to have a good mental healty. How can I do this? I'm trying to be organized, clean my room, write a to do list and sometimes a schedule with all my activities for the day. Sometimes is difficult but if you do this everyday it will be easy to do. It's also very importante to take a time only for yourself, do yoga, watch a movie, sleep well, drink water. There are a lot of things that you can do, please take care of you. c:

    1. I agree with being organized with our time and cleaning our rooms because I think that can help us to have a healthy mind and also motivate us to have good habits every day.

  29. Andrea Lizeth Banda Ibarra
    February 23, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    In my opinion i think that to have a better healthy lifestyle the first thing is to change or improve my diet, for example increase fruits, vegetables and drink more water a day, also reduce fats and sugars. The second thing would be to walk at least 10 or 15 minutes a day and then do a routine where you feel comfortable and have fun so you can settle in better. The third thing would be to prepare myself mentally for the change i am making in my life and have positive thoughts.

  30. Pamela Xitlali Alonso Villegas
    February 25, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    To have a healthy lifestyle, you have to follow some recommendations. The most essential are: do exercise, but if you are one of the people who don't like it, you can try walking 30 minutes a day, the important thing is that your body keeps moving; sleep at least 7-8 hours so that your body has enough energy to carry out the activities of the day; have a balanced diet and drink water to hydrate the body. Remember that not only your body is important, so is your mind, so you should take time to rest and be relaxed.

    1. Odalis Jaqueline Cordero Macías
      February 26, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
      I agree with you with your last recommendation. We don't have to forget that the mental health is also important for a healthy life, because sometimes we only take care for our bodies and we forget that the mind is part of the body too.

    2. Alexa Valverde Cárdenas
      I agree with you, doing physical activity has many positive things, not so much noticeable physical changes will be seen, if not there will also be internal and mental changes, and that will help us more

  31. Miriam Daniela Niño Pacheco
    February 25, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    I believe that if we are in good health, we can be emotionally healthy; some people say that excercising like running or playing sports helps with stress.
    Another sport that can help us with health problems is yoga, to relax; or soccer, for fun (more for kids)
    Lastly, if you don't like the ides of excercising, try eating right, getting i hours of sleep, drinking water, and playing "just dance", it's fun and easy.

    1. Hania Estefanía Barrios Jiménez
      February 26, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      I agree that exercise can help us with mental health, however we should also go with a professional to help us with our mental health. And you are right if we don't exercise, we have to eat in a good way.

  32. Hania Estefanía Barrios Jiménez
    February 26, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    A lot of people may think that a healthy lifestyle is having just a healthy body, however mental health is also very important and we should pay more attention to it.

    To have a healthy lifestyle, talking about the body, we have to understand that every body is different, therefore our diets are different too, as well as our exercise routine. One thing that all of us have to do is drink a lot of water during the day and sleep at least eight hours to have enough energy for the next day.
    Now, talking about mental health, I think that everyone should go with an expert at least once in their lives, since it can be very helpful.

    1. Miriam Daniela Niño Pacheco
      February 26, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      I agree because we should pay attention to our mental health, and about physical health, it depends on the person because everyone has a different body and responds differently too.

    2. Dania Yanis Perez Blanco
      February 27th, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificacion en Lengua inglesa A2

      I agree because many people focus a lot on dieting until they start to have eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, for the same reason that they are thinking about losing weight and they begin to trauma and look fat in the mirror when the important thing always goes to be your mental health first of all.

  33. Odalis Jaqueline Cordero Macías
    February 26, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    In my opinion, a healthy life style needs to start with a healthy mind. I consider that the mind is the first thing to take care, because is the one that makes you to think in good changes for you life, and that is the thing that bring self confidence too. After that, you have to consult with a specialist, because all the people are different and you need to know your own diets and routines. Some things that I recommend for all the people is that we should drink 2 liters of water and we shouldn’t sleep less than seven hours.

    1. Sandra Lilia Galván Domínguez
      February 26th, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2
      I agree with you, having a healthy mind is really important and also the part where you said to consult with a specialist. I think that part is important if you want specifics results when doing exercise, because as you mentioned everybody's bodies are different and you must know what suits the best to your body.

  34. Sandra Lilia Galván Domínguez
    February 26th, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2
    To be healthy it’s not only to be fit and exercise, but we also must have a healthy mind. Mind and body’s health it’s very important. Sometimes we have a lot of thoughts that maybe makes us feel depressed or without energy, so when this happens exercise can help us a lot. Exercise keeps you mind busy and makes you feel better and you can be healthier through it. You don’t have to be a professional or go to the gym, you can just do simple exercise at home that only takes you some minutes if you are too busy. In addition to this, it’s important to eat as healthy as possible and always drink plenty of water, this will make you feel better and healthier.

    1. Samantha Del Carmen Leyva Vázquez
      February 27, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with you, it is important to take care of our mental health because it is necessary to form correct eating and exercise habits.

    2. Selina Sarahí Cosme Rodríguez
      Laboratorio de certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I personally love your comment, I think people forget that the concept of health also implies mental health, so I think that emphasizing the idea of ​​bad thoughts that invade us is great, and I also agree that increasing the amount of water we drink daily can help us feel healthier

  35. Samantha Del Carmen Leyva Vázquez
    February 27, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    A healthy lifestyle it´s a topic that doesn´t always receive the attention it deserves, since we are used to having bad habits and not paying the necessary attention to our health. Normally there should be an education on the part of parents to teach their children to eat healthy and practice sports, they grow up in good condition, but we get carried away by the publicity of fast food and the laziness of not exercising. There are many benefits for our body and mind when taking correct habits also helping to keep a good state and efficiency in daily activities. In my opinion it´s important that people learn to take care of themselves to avoid chronic diseases in the future and live a full and healthy life.

    1. Juan Alberto Pérez Galaviz
      27 February, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with you, I believe that parents should become aware of educating their children with a healthy lifestyle so that they are benefited in the future.

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. Andrea Michelle Torres Rodríguez
      February 27th, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      Hi Samantha ! I agree with you. I think that everybody need to know more about healthy habits because our country is one with the most overweight population in the world. We need to create new habits and start to do exercise!!

  36. Juan Alberto Pérez Galaviz
    February 27, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    In my opinion, having a healthy lifestyle is setting short-term and long-term goals.
    Little by little fulfill your own expectations. Exercise every day, have to eat healthy, have to drink water, measure yourself, weigh yourself every two weeks and be committed to the goal, which is the most important thing.
    You should take into account different practices for a healthy life:
    * use a bicycle.
    * walk 4 days a week.
    * you should sleep 8 hours.
    * you should eat well.
    * also hydrate well.

    I believe that having a healthy life is following a series of processes that are good for you and that you can carry out. We all should always make a healthy life possible.

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Samantha Del Carmen Leyva Vázquez
      March 1, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with you, to propose short and long-term goals would be a very efficient strategy to have a commitment to get a healthy lifestyle.

  37. Andrea Michelle Torres Rodríguez
    February 27th, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    Hi everyone! I think that the first step to have a healthy life is sleep 7 to 8 hours a night and start your day early with a balance breakfast and some exercise like yoga, gym or whatever you like to do. Is important to drink 2lts of water a day and try not to drink a lot of soda and artificial juices; also you shouldn’t smoke because it injures your lungs. For a healthy life you need to have a healthy mind too, if you have some problems in your work, with your family or with some friend and it causes stress in your day, you can keep your mind busy with activities that you like to do or in another case you can talk with a professional that can help you to have a peacefull and healthy mind.

    1. Samantha Del Carmen Leyva Vázquez
      March 1, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I totally agree with you, starting the day early if it influences a lot because we take advantage of the day to do more things and when taking care of ourselves physically it helps to keep our mental health and higher efficiency in activities.

  38. Dania Yanis Perez Blanco
    February 27th, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificacion en Lengua Inglesa A2

    To have a healthy lifestyle you must have a good diet, or at least leave junk food, sodas, sweets, flour since if you do not have a good diet you will hardly lose weight because it is 70% of the food and 30% exercise, requires at least 30 minutes of walking a day.
    We must also drink at least 2 liters of water a day, but not more than 3 liters since excess water is harmful.
    Another important point is to sleep for 7-9 hours since your muscles need enough rest so that they can regenerate.
    You have to keep a positive mindset and if you think that you will always achieve what you set out to do :)

    1. Lilibeth Reyna Castorena 1911546
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      Hi Dania, I agree that we should sleep at least 7 hours because it is true that our body and its organs rest after working hard all day to help us breath, digest, etc. And about keep
      a positive mind, we should do a little bit of yoga or something to help us relax to not starting to think negative stuff.

  39. Lesslie Cassandra García Valadez
    February 28th 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    I think that we can have a healthy life If we start to do exercise every day at least 30 minutes and we have to drink a lot of water, we also must eat fruits and vegetables in all our meals and sleep at least 8 hours daily because we need to maintain a healthy body but also a healthy mind. I know that sometimes we need a lot of motivation to have good habits like doing exercise or having a diet, so my advice would be that we need to start slowly and set us goals.

    1. I agree with you, I think if you mentalize and you are aware that it will be something good for your health, you will achieve it no matter how long it takes to notice the difference or what obstacle stands in the way, all for yourself and your health

  40. Selina Sarahí Cosme Rodríguez
    Laboratorio de certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    A healthy lifestyle is given by the daily activities of a person, starting a lifestyle like this may seem difficult, but with small daily good actions you can make your lifestyle become healthier. Some of the recommendations that are given to be able to start with our new lifestyle are:
    • We must gradually increase the hours of sleep until they are 7 or 8.
    • We should do small exercises from time to time so that our body gets used to physical activity.
    • We must replace our diet little by little until we only have foods that are beneficial to our health.
    • Meditate occasionally.

    1. Mariana Benutto Dávalos
      Laboratorio de certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with your recommendations. We can't change everything suddenly, we must do this change gradually, so it becomes a good habit. My favorite recommendation is the one about meditation. Meditation is important because mental health is as important as body health.

  41. Alexa Valverde Cárdenas
    I believe that to have a healthy life you do not necessarily need extreme diets where you can not eat anything, only fruits and vegetables. Also extreme exercise routines.
    The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle are presented with a balanced diet with physical activity.
    You need not only eat things that say they are low in fat, you first have to consult a nutritionist to see what type of diet you would have.
    Regarding physical activity, it does not necessarily need to be a gym, it can be a sport that you like, so you will not feel boring and on the contrary you will have fun.

    1. Andrea Lizeth Banda Ibarra
      I think i agree with you in pretty much all what you said, i feel that many people believe that to lose weight they only have to go to the gym but the truth is that you can exercise at home and also lose some weight.

  42. Karla Ximena Flores Melendez

    I believe that the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle are
    Mainly to have organized everything you will do in the day to be able to keep an order, I believe and believe that in order to have health you do not need a super strict diet where you only have to eat fruits and vegetables and drink only water, just by having a balanced diet And exercising at least 30 min per day is enough, the body will change and adapt little by little and you will notice the difference and not only due to the fact of losing weight or increasing the gluteus or toning the abdomen, but because of the fact of being healthy and active every day for you and your health, I also believe that mental health is important and be aware that it really does not cost us anything to be well and make the effort to be healthy, another thing that would be very good is the practice yoga or any mental exercise to have a positive mind and be able to transmit it to others:).

  43. Mariana Benutto Dávalos
    Laboratorio de certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    Hi! Nice to meet you. If you are here is because you care about your health. That's awesome! You already took the first step to change your life for better. I will help you with some advices that may help you in this process.

    First of all, your eating habits, sometimes it's difficult to change our bad habits, but we should make the effort to do it. Our body needs all the nutrients to work well. You must follow a diet that includes animal products like meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. Cereals like bread, rice, pasta etc. And lots of fruits and vegetables. You must avoid eating things with high levels of sugar and fat. Also, you must drink at least eight glasses of water per day and the same with the food you must avoid drinks in high levels of sugar.

    The next advice is exercising. This can be one of the most difficult tasks to follow but is really important. Doing at least an hour of exercise every day is really good for you. You can try practicing sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis etc. If you don't like doing things outside you can go to the gym, go swimming or some kind of martial art. If you can't do any if this at least you should try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walk in your neighborhood a couple of hours or do some physical jobs around the house.

    And last but not least, sleeping. This one may sound easy, but it can be tricky. I know it sounds kind of dumb because we all love sleeping, but sometimes we may have a really busy day and the last thing we think of is sleeping well. We think that we can function with just a couple of hours but, that's not true our body and brain needs time to recover. We should sleep seven to eight hours a night. Some things you can do is make and schedule and organize your day, so in that way you can have time for everything.

    Having a healthy life is not easy it takes time and effort but is something we must do if we want to live a long and happy life. Always remember a healthy body is a healthy mind.

    1. I totally agree with the eating habits, I think if we can't go to the nutritionist we can try to just delete all the foods that are bad for our body and make delicious meals with healthy food!

    2. ⬆️ Alondra Elizabeth Coronado Sánchez 1/03/2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

  44. Ever Rivaldo Guajardo Treviño
    Laboratorio de certificacion en Lengua Inglesa A2

    I think that to have a healthy lifestyle you must have some kind of control in your daily basis because to have a healthy lifestyle you must have healthy eating habits like having a balanced diet as well as avoid drinking any soda or drinks with a lot of suggar or caffeine and that's going as well for eating because you need to avoid eating too much sugar or fats.

    Other kind of habits include doing exercise on a daily basis that's because you need at least an hour of exercise to keep a healthy body as well as sleeping 8 hours a day and if you take 2 liters of water daily you have all the healthy habits you need

  45. Alondra Elizabeth Coronado Sánchez
    Switching to a healthy lifestyle may sound easy, but you need to have the strength to go through all the steps every day. You should start with mental health, begin to visualize how you want to live, it motivates us to follow our goals. The next step and more important is that you need to go to the nutritionist, they will recommend a specialized diet for you and the changes you want to make, you could even combine your diet with exercise!
    Do everything in your time so that it is easier for you to incorporate all this in your daily life and be able to have better results:)

    1. 1/03/2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    2. ¡Good afternoon!, I just wanna say that I agree with you. I also believe that it is very difficult to change a lifestyle, but I believe that with a lot of dedication anything is possible. With a good diet and exercise I'm sure that the results will be spectacular.

  46. Paola Esquivel Pérez
    Laboratorio de Certificacion en Lengua Inglesa A2
    There are many things that you can do to have a healthy lifestyle. if you want to be healthy, You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and you also have to do exercise at least one hour per day. Its dangerous for your health eat junk food, so if you bought and ate that food, it´s time to stop eating it, and start a good diet. You should do many activities like bike a cycle, swim, do yoga, play any sport, jog or run. These activities help you to be healthy, to lose weight and also to have fun.

    1. Frida Citlalli Morales Contreras
      Lab A2
      Hello Pau, I find your comment very interesting and very true, one of the things in which I am sure that we could better lead a healthy life would be, have peace of mind with ourselves, personally meditating helps me a lot to be healthy both physically and mentally

  47. Frida Citlalli Morales Contreras 1914574
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    For most people, "healthy living" means that both physical and mental health are in balance or work well together in one person. In many cases, physical and mental health are closely linked, so a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other, and to maintain a healthy life we ​​can follow the following recommendations, such as exercising for 15 or 20 minutes per day, going for a run, dancing or doing some other activity also helps a lot. Eating a balanced diet is another important thing, whether it is eating fruits or vegetables or eating a little of everything but it is good for our body. Personally, having peace of mind with myself helps me to lead a healthy life both mentally and physically.

  48. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  49. Devanie Marisol Martinez Jimenez
    Laboratorio de Cetificacion en Lengua Inglesa A2

    Hi I think that having
    a healthy life is not difficult but three should be taken into account ; food, exercise and rest.
    Firstly; to have a good diet it is necessary to eat fresh products ,for example fruits and vegetables .
    It is also important to drink two liters of water .
    After,to have a healthy body,you should exercise thirty minutes every day in the gym or at home.
    And finally ; have a good bed ,sleep seven to eight hours at night and not go to bed with any device , helps you to sleep better .

    1. Jarely Janeth Gonzalez Herrera 1938926
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
      Hi! i found it quite interesting. You are absolutely right because we have to eat well, exercise but we also have to rest well, we have to sleep enough hours to be able to lead a healthy life.

  50. Jarely Janeth Gonzalez Herrera 1938926
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    I believe that people believe that to carry out a healthy life is only about eating healthy which is incorrect since leading a healthy life is about leading a life in which you have the time to go out and do a little exercise, dance, run and be happy. Exercise can be practiced for 40 minutes to 1 hour for day, exercising makes you feel happier and live a happy day that is why it is good to exercise in the morning. People should also eat healthy eating fruits and vegetables and eating balanced diets.

  51. Lilibeth Reyna Castorena 1911546
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    There are so many ways to start being healthy besides excercising because being healthy is not just excercise, there are more aspects to consider like mental health and social health (taking care about our relationships, etc).
    For physical health, excercise is a good idea to lose weight but also we should do a balanced diet given by a nutritionist and drink a lot of water.
    We should take care about our mental health too, and going to a phsycologist is a great idea to do it. Maybe we think that we don't have to go to therapy, but actually it is very important to take care about our feelings and emotions.

    1. I agree with you, being healthy is not just exercise as many people think. Taking care of mental health is as important as diet and exercise, because if we are not mentally strong enough, criticism and problems can affect us a lot and we could lose our peace.

    2. I agree completely! we don't have to think of our weight alone when we try to have a healthy lifestyle.

  52. Nathaly Abish González Meléndez 1965755
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    The most important of a healthy lifestyle is that you can have peace with yourself, also helps to be in good physical and mental condition.
    Carrying out a good diet and exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle, I recommend to have a good diet where there is quantity and quality of food, also having a specific time to eat helps a lot to create a daily routine that allows you to do your other activities. To do physical activity it is not necessary to go to the gym, or practice a specific sport, you could go for a walk for a recommended time of 30 minutes, or do an exercise at home watching YouTube videos.

    1. Citlali Juliza González González (02/03/2021)
      Lab A2

      I agree with you if we have peace with us since it helps us to stay well physically and mentally to be able to connect with our body and everything we do or eat our body receives it well. Also an important point of exercise is that we can go out on a bicycle or do basic exercises at home so as not to lose physical performance.

  53. Ximena Montserrat González Flores 1966804
    Lunes 1 de Marzo del 2021
    Para la materia de Laboratorio de Certificación de la Lengua Inglesa.
    How can we improve our health? That's a really commonly asked question!
    Aside from the already known "exercise and eat healthy foods" there are a lot more things you can do to improve your health, everything can make the difference depending on your lifestyle, of course, you have to take well-balanced foods and avoid being sedentary, but also take care of your sleeping schedule, your skin, your hair. all of this is important to feel good, and feeling good is also being healthy, it's impossible to assume everybody can have a certain weight or do the same amount of exercise, so try to take good care of your body the way you think it's correct and feels nice, eat well, move, go get checked with your doctor from time to time, and that's it!

  54. Citlali Juliza González González 2078260
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    To have a healthy life you have to start with food. Whoever eats healthy will have a good nutritional status because they eat in a balanced way. The main thing is to drink enough water and eat fruits and vegetables. Another important point is to exercise at least 60 minutes a day, to strengthen bones and muscle strength. Find ways to exercise at home or play sports outside. If this is not possible, go for a walk or even ride a bicycle for at least half an hour a day, remember that your heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised to stay healthy, just like the rest of the muscles in your body. Exercises, especially aerobics, help you stay healthy, strong, lose weight, prevent illness, and reduce stress. Finally, it is important to remember that it is never too late to change your lifestyle.

    1. hi juliza, I agree with you about how exercise can help us with keeping us strong and drinking water is such an important thing if we want to have a healthier lifestyle

  55. Tania Mariam Hernandez Noriega
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    Having a healthy lifestyle is one of the main things that could lead us to a good life but it require us to start a habit, eating correctly and having a balance diet will improve many aspects of our daily life because if we eat correctly our bodies will have energy to do important things like school and work but when we try to eat better we need to remember to do it without quit a meal because it can lead to an eating disorder, we also need to exercise so we can be moving and it will give us energy and it is good for the digestive system

    1. Totally agree with you! The eating disorders are a real thing in all the world, nowdays more than never because we are expossed to the social media standars of beauty and we think that if we stop eating we will be like the people in the pics or something, but we don´t see all the healthy life style and workout that they are into, so, that becomes a problem when we want to see the changes fast and obviously it cannot be possible.

  56. Name: Leslie Castillo Sánchez.
    Date: March, 9th, 2021
    Subject: Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    A healthy life it's like my classmates already said,is something more than just healthy food and good habits, Like running, do some exercise and all these things, because we need to have a good mental health too, I am totally agree with my classmates that mentioned this, Because yes, we can take the stairs even when beside is the lift, do some yoga, play some sports, eat more Vegetables and fruits, drink 2 Liters of water, etc. But if we don't take care about our mental health, we won't have the energy to keep doing it and at the end of the road, we will be tired and unhappy, maybe just too much stressed to think about the good things in life and it doesn't matter if our body is healthy because at the same time our brain will act in all that and make us feel like... well... bad jajaja.

  57. Name: Noe Eliel Rivera Zacarias
    Date: 19/08/2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en Lengua Inlesa A2

    To have a healthy life you need to do somethings for you body and your mind. Body health and mental health, this is an importan phrase to decide about your healt, for all us in our live. You need to do body exercise, like run, this is special to lose weight like to swim, too. You will feel better, your body will be healthy. You also should take care what you eat, you need a perfect diet for you body. I recommend you read, this is special for your mind or play instruments. Your mind is more concentrated and you get skill for somethings. Keep your mind free and all your problems will be more clear.

    1. I think as Noe said if you don`t have healthy mind it`s more probably that we can`t have a healthy mind. Do excersices it`s very important to be completely healthy. Excersices heal the mind, the soul and the body, you free all the bad things and forget all bad things.
      I think that`s the only thing that we need in our lives to be healthy.
      Some people think that we need doctors to have healthy mind, but I think that it`s a lie. The healthy mind we can give it shape ourselves, with willpower

    2. To live a balanced live is to integrate ,as you mentioned, good food, clear mind and stay fit too. I agree that doing this will improve your performance and concentration on whatever you set your mind. But I disagree with the tought about needing a "perfect diet" for your body, at this point of our lives we already know what is good for us or not. Sugar, flour, all kinds of junk food is what at the end of the day make us feel bad and increases our posibbilities of being sick.

    3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    4. I agree with you Noe with all the above mentioned, Is true we need to do execise for have a healthy body also metal healthy, I think to do execerise works the metal and the body because when you do exercise you mind is occupied by the effort that to do.

    5. wow I think your comment is very appropriate to know how to lead a healthy life properly

  58. Luz Marìa Guzmàn Flores
    Laboratorio de certificacion en Lengua Inglesa A2

    I think to have a healthy life, firstly, we need to find the way to change our habits as possible as we can. I know that it`s so difficult, and maybe we need a lot of time to reach the goal, but it`s not impossible.

    We can start to change the way we ate. Start to add a little bit of vegetables and fruits in your plates.
    step by step. the worst thing that we can do is pressure us.
    we have to keep calm, give us our time, because the pressure for want to be a healthy and fit person, can bring us desesperation, or have thoughts to forget, and left all at the side, because we started to believe we cant do it.

    once we add the healthy food, later we can start to do excersices, start with something that we can do, something easy. I recommend yoga, I think is the easiest excersices and comfy to start to be a fit person, and when we feel that its enough, that its time to do something more difficult. then we can start to do hard excersices, I recomend cardio, because with this kind of excersices we burn a lot of calories and lose weight.
    another excersice that it`s very easy and you can do in your house is jump the rope.

    ok, we talk a lot about excersices but for reach a healthy life we need healthy mind too. take care of your mind. go to the specialist when you need.
    some people when do excersices forget all the problems or the bad things, but the terapy always is good for the people, so go to therapy always as you can do it, maybe you feel better.

    1. I agree with you every change in our life need to be step by step and we don´t see changes in one nigth but all changes need time, I also think that is very important the mental health for be better person.

  59. Areli Izel Trejo Cruz
    August 20, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    Things that you need to know for have a healthy life:
    You need to do an hour of exercise, you need eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, if you work it´s near of your home, walk to work don´t drive your car, try to make puzzles, sudokus, or something where your mind work, because have a healthy life isn´t have a body like a model, it´s also mental healthy, being happy and without stress.
    I used to do Taekwondo like 3 years ago and that made me felt more happy and also was my hour of exercise.

    1. I think as you said. We need to do exercise and eat healthy. Some times we don't feel like doing anything for our health. I agree with you, all us need to find something to do that makes us happy, for example. It Makes me happy to play isntruments and run,too. If you do exersice your body will feel in good condition and your mind, too. This is a good idea for keep your health, so you do it, you won't regeret it.

  60. Verónica Teresa Villalpando Lozano
    August 20, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    The stressful and hurried lifestyle that we live can make things not so easy for someone who works or studies and is trying to make changes to have a healthier routine that includes a more natural diet and at least one or two days of exercise a week. Junk or fast food is always on hand for those who are in a hurry, also when you finally get home the last thing you want is to worry about your shape, but I think that, if you want to become disciplined you should find the way to find healthy food in your fridge, and some spare time to take a walk or a bicycle ride. It might sound difficult, but I am sure it is worthy too!

    1. Name: Valeria Montserrat Flores Leal

      Yes, I think that our stressful and hurried lifestyle is the principal factor that leads us to do things that do not help us to have a healthy routine. But like you said if you want to be disciplined you must find the correct way, you don't need to do difficult things with just a walk in the park can help.

  61. Name: Luis Armando Orozco Reyna
    Date: August 21, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    I think that have a healthly life in monterrey is a bit difficult because, The community is nos used to follow any healthy diet or do exercise also the people preffer to eat a lot of fast food and sugary drinks too, If you want to have a healthy life you should spend more time with yourselft beacuse when you spend time like this form you already going to know where you have to be more succesful of more disclined, For example walk in the park, Prepare your food at home and Finally if you have time doing execise in the night.

    1. Is-boseth Castañón Rodríguez
      August 23, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
      Yes, I feel you, in Monterrey is kind of hard to have a healthy life because we as regios, we are not used to have a good diet, and that's because we are always running and what we have in every corner is fast food (Oxxo), so we take it.

  62. Name: Valeria Montserrat Flores Leal
    Date: August 21, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    How can we improve our health? First of all, I think we need to have good mental health, for me that's the most important thing, I mean, if you had mental problems you can't do anything you like, even the simplest things.
    We need to change our bad habits and start exercising our body, if you do that, your body will feel in good condition and your mind will feel good too, eating well and sleeping well is also very important.

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Name: Paola Yoselin Arriaga Medrano
      Date: august 22, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      I think you are right, because if we are not well or we are not feeling well, we could not do simple things. We should always pay attention to our mental health in order to make decisions, such as: if it is okay to eat certain things or not.

  63. Name: Paola Yoselin Arriaga Medrano
    Date: august 22, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    I think that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle we must pay attention to what we do and what we eat, for instance:
    We must drink lots of water because this will help us to feel better; we can and should exercise on often basis, although it is recommended to start on easy level to get our bodies used to work out, we shall consider sleep the amount of ours required for the human body and we should not forget to properly balance the food portions we eat with white and red meats, vegetables, fruits, and so on. You can also look for information on specialized websites but it is highly recommended to visit a nutritionist instead. We must not do things that harm our bodies, things such as smoking or exaggerating in the consumption of sweets, sodas or even cakes. If we follow these steps we might assure one very good way to live.

    1. Ilse Denise Herrera García
      August 23, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
      I agree with you. We must drink a lot of water and less sugar, because we can get diseases, like diabetes.

  64. Shande Dayan Triana Hernandez
    August 23, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    Hello, I think that to lead a healthy life you have to start with us, the first step is always in us since we ourselves are the ones who decide what we want to do with our body, I think the difficult thing is to stay and, for that you have to have a positive mind after having passed these obstacles we can start drinking water eat less saturated fats check the nutrition tables behind the packaging and try to carry out all the previous steps.

    1. Esto de acuerdo contigo debemos siempre pensar positivo para poder lograrlo , sentirnos mejor con nosotros mismos y checar los empaques de los productos para poder saber lo que comemos .

  65. Ilse Denise Herrera García
    August 23, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    To have a healthy lifestyle, first of all we need to get a regular exercise and weight control. Do not smoke or drink alcohol and try to avoid it completely. If we are sick, we need to request medications prescribed by our doctor as directed. Also, we need to have a balance diet and always check the pulse, for example: with the apple watch and the weight with a weighing machine. You can do other activities to have a healthy lifestyle too, for example: jogging or dance as well.

    1. Lesly Jaqueline Heredia López
      fecha :23/08/2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
      Estoy de acuerdo necesitamos hacer mas ejercicio y evitar en alcohol como el tabaco .

  66. Nombre:Lesly Jaqueline Heredia López
    Fecha :23/08/2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    Creo que para llevar un estilo de vida saludable debemos pensar primero en nosotros mismos ,mas que nada en cuestión de salud porque nadie mas lo hará por nosotros si no somos nosotros mismos .Debemos empezar por una dieta equilibrad y balanceada comer mas alimentos bajo en grasas ,azúcar y sal como también tomar agua en lugar de algún refresco .Así como también es importante hacer un poco de ejercicio para poder controlar nuestro peso aunque solo sea ir un rato a caminar al parque.

    1. Zinedine Alejandro Ortega Esparza
      23 August 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
      I agree with you we must stand strong and have a mutual goal to archive and also that we must do a diet that we need to maintain a healthy body and to have balance in our food

  67. Zinedine Alejandro Ortega Esparza
    August 23, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    To have a healthy life, we must have a measure of our weight and if we consume a lot of carbohydrates and if we take alcohol and cigarettes in excess we must consider end this part, but we must try to have more healthy food in our fridges or to excercise more often in the morning or in the night, , In first place we must stand in no eat to much in the fast food establishments that in our dairy routine we must complement in drinking more water and vegetables that Hamburgers and fries and sodas.


  68. Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2
    Wendy Tamara Martínez Zamora 23/08/2021
    A healthy lifestyle is based on eating healthy foods correctly, for example, fruits, vegetables, protein, and a little fat. There is a lot of variety of foods in this healthy lifestyle, very delicious.
    Drink 2 liters of water a day, this helps to eliminate toxins and wastes that our body does not need.
    Exercise in the gym with cardio and weights to have a good condition and a healthy and marked body, two hours a day, 5 times a week, with a good trainer to train you.
    Sleep 8 hours a day. Resting well is the main thing to have a good healthy life.
    These are my tips to have a good healthy life.

    1. Naomi Almaguer Zavala
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

      If I agree with you, sleep is very important if I want to have a healthy life

  69. Is-boseth Castañón Rodríguez
    August 23, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    In order to have a healthy life we have to exercise, doctors say that at least 30 min per day is recommended, you can dance, go to the gym, walk or practice any sport you like, but is not only about exercising, we also have to eat healthier, more vegetables and fruit and less carbohydrates (a.k.a. bread), to know more about this it is so important to take a visit to our nutritionist, they are the only people who can give you a good recommendation about your diet.
    We also need to sleep very well, The Who recommends at least 6 hours per day, and something people always take for granted is... to drink water, yes, as simple as that, we need to drink water, normally is recommended to drink between 2-3 L per day.

    1. Alejandra Jimena Solis Quiroz
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa

      I totally agree with you! Doing exercise, eating fruits and vegetables, and the most important thing, sleeping well! I think most of us don’t have enough sleeping and that deteriorates our health, we need to take care of that part of our life.

  70. Santos Diego Marciano Méndez
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2
    24 de agosto 2021

    For have a healthy life style you must to do some things how eate vegeteables and fruits, you can use the "dish of good eating" as a reference, drink at least eight glasses of water a day and do exercise 30 minutes a day. And avoid foods with sugar, junk food, candys and all that type of things.
    And at last but no less important, you have to be centralized in your new life style to get it more fast and do not get discouraged at the first week or day and go with and profesional nutrionalist for care your alimentation or diet.

    1. Marco Polo Picazo Cardona
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa A2

      I agree with your comment and I liked your advice to drink glasses of water, since that keeps us hydrated during the day.

    2. I agree with you, we can use this methods to stay healthy, the exercise, the food and obiously care our life style.

    3. Leslie Esmeralda Aguilar Montoya
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with you. I liked your advice about the importance of drinking water, because it helps us to eliminate sugar drinks that do so much damage to our body.

  71. Adriana Margarita González López
    Date: August 24, 2021 Fall i26 Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa A2 Starting the journey of having a healthy lifestyle is always difficult, I used to think that healthy food didn't taste good but I've been seeing some videos of people who have a healthy lifestyle and they share their recipes and I was amazed because the food looked so good! so I learned that there is possible to change our diet to things that are healthy and still enjoy food, but having a healthy lifestyle is so much more than that; excercising is part of that too! you don't have to go to the gym, you can run in the mornings or just by taking walks your health can improve so much! I think bad habits can influence a lot too, drinking or smoking too much don't to anything good for your health and finally sleeping well also is a important part of a healthy lifestyle.

    1. Andrea Lizeth Valenciano García
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with your comment. We think that "healthy food" must taste bad, and on the contrary it may come as a surprise to us.
      Last winter, I helped my dad make some healthy cookies and it didn't seem like it was. They were very tasty and it did not seem that they had no added sugar.
      Mentioning that you have to sleep is also very indispensable; because it is not the same to sleep at 12 a.m. to sleep at 10 a.m. m.
      I think it is to progressively change your diet, do the exercise you like and manage the time to have a good performance in the day and be able to sleep the necessary hours.

  72. Naomi Almaguer Zavala
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    To have a healthy life it is important to take care of what we eat and the amounts we consume, go to a doctor to find out what is the appropriate weight for our height, another way is by exercising you can eat whatever you want but exercise will always be a piece key in a healthy life, you can take 15 minutes of your day and do exercises at home, also having a healthy mind helps a lot because our body works with it, so it will always be important to have good mental health as well as having a healthy life, avoid things or foods that are not so healthy and always drink a lot of water I think that is essential, at least 1 liter per day of water would be perfect so we eliminate drinks with sugar that do so much damage to our body.

    1. Adriana Margarita González López
      Date: August 24, 2021 Fall i26 Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa A2 I totally agree with you! While I was reading your paragraph I realized that I didn't think of a nutritionist! Which is a very important part, I think experts would say it's the 70% and the gym is the 30%, also having a good mental health is so important, I forgot to mention that too! if you feel sad and without motivation then it is harder to start a healthy lifestyle, so I think I would start there, taking care of my mental health and when I start getting motivation again then I can start working out and do a change for myself!

  73. Andrea Lizeth Valenciano García
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa A2

    I think to have a healthy life. First step: wanting to make a change in your life and be committed.
    An interesting fact is that to be healthy; 70% is healthy eating and 30% is exercise. The second step: having a balance of food. Of course you can give yourself the pleasure of eating junk food but eating all week healthy, drinking water and not soda, exercising at least 30 minutes a day.
    If you want to follow a diet or have a plan; you can go with a nutritionist and a coach. And it's not just being physically healthy; it's being okay with yourself, you can meditate, bike, read.
    The point is to connect with yourself and spend time with yourself. Make a connection between your body and your mind.

    1. Regina Muñiz Zavala
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2
      I totally agree with you! The first step is wanting to change your life! Specially if the lifestyle was an unhealthy one, it's important to make the change for ourselves

  74. Marco Polo Picazo Cardona
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    Maintaining a healthy life requires several objectives, which must be carried out on a daily basis. To start a healthy lifestyle, 3 habits Will be taken into account: food, exercise and rest, so starting with food, it´s always recommended to eat fruits and vegetables, you can also check your ideal weight based in your height and gender, to get your ideal weight (for example, my height is 1.76 and my ideal weight should be 76 or 78 kg.) the exercise is a habit that must be carried out daily to have a fit body and avoid pain and illness, and to finish the resting it´s also important for us since without it we would not be able to carry out our the daily activities, in this habit we recommends sleeping 8 hours to have a good rest.

    AUGUST 24th, 2021
    If we want to have a healthier life, we must star with our minds, having good thoughts, be relaxed... The mind is so powerful, and we need take care with it to have a healthy body too. The stress, anxiety and the depression are some of the factors to our body doesn’t work well in the digestive process. Sometimes, we need go to a psychologist and nutritionist to work in our mental health and body health at the same time. Also, we can go to the gym, play sports such soccer, swimming or just run, to help in the process of a healthy body, this can are a hobbie to us too.

    1. Renata Aguirre Caballero
      August 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with the fact that sometimes we do need the help of a psychologist and a nutritionist to help us lead a healthier lifestyle. It's ok to ask for help when it comes to our mental health. It doesn't only help us mentally but also physically.

  76. Regina Muñiz Zavala
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2
    To achieve a healthy lifestyle we can practice the habits we all know; eat vegetables and fruits, drink at least eight glasses of water a day, avoid too many sugar products, and keep an active routine. Being an active person doesn't mean going to the gym every day; taking a walk every morning or night, start dancing regularly, or jumping the rope also counts. Every action that requires regular physical activity and movement counts and helps to improve a sedentary routine.
    To avoid drinking alcohol and smoking are also very known facts that help us keep a healthy lifestyle.

  77. Leslie Esmeralda Aguilar Montoya
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    Having a healthy life is very important. To achieve this, we must maintain a good diet, but I don’t mean that we should only eat fruits and vegetables, I mean that we must have a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients that our body needs. We should also exercise, but we don't necessarily have to go to the gym, we can do some exercise at home or practice some sport, keeping hydrated and have at least 8 hours of sleep are also a fundamental part of having a healthy life. This is important, but I think is also important to focus on our mental health, because our mind is powerful and if we keep our thoughts positive, we can achieve great results.

  78. Renata Aguirre Caballero
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    To have a healthy lifestyle you have to eat better, work better, think better, rest better. You have to clean your body and mind. Declutter yourself from anything that doesn't serve you. The power to change one's life around comes from within. A healthy lifestyle comes from hard work; from willingness to do and to treat yourself better. I suggest meditation in the morning to get rid of any negative thoughts, any burdens, to start the day off fresh and in a good mood. Drink enough water to stay hydrated and avoid headaches and burnout. Workout for at least 20-30 minutes to keep yourself active. Working out boosts your energy and appetite. Talking about apettite, it's good to include vegetables in your diet, as well as fruits and natural drinks. But most of all, don't forget to treat yourself from time to time. Keeping it healthy is as hard as anything else, so don't feel bad about falling off track. It takes time.You'll get back to it and you'll do better next time!

    1. Pablo Eduardo Marciano Ortiz
      August 24,2021
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree on the commitment that we must have to change and have better habits for our day to day, because if we have them, we will do better in our lives

  79. Alejandra Jimena Solis Quiroz
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    There are a lot of factors that help us to have a healthier life. Everything is not about muscles or work out, taking care of our mental health it is also part of having a healthy life, I mean, going to therapy, talking to your friends or family about your feelings, having no toxic relationships, doing meditation and things like that can help you to have a healthy mind. Now, talking about the body, the things that can help us is drinking water, doing 30 minutes of exercise (maybe walking or even dancing), eating fruits and vegetables. You can do a lot of things to keep your body healthy, these are only a few examples of what you can do. Be constant and don’t forget the phrase “a healthy mind is a healthy body”.

    1. I agree with you, to have "a healthy mind is a healthy body" always seeking for our health, and as you said even dancing it´s a good exercise and it doesn´t require that much, so you can listen to your favorite song while you enjoy dancing it.

    2. I agree with you and that not everything is about exercise, we have to take great care of our mental health to have a healthy life, and have communication with our loved ones so that this does not affect.

    3. Fatima Rocio Muzquiz Garcia
      August 30; 2021
      Laboratorio de certificacion de Lengua inglesa A2

      I agree with you, I like what you mentioned that it is not only about physical health but also mental health. I like that advice about going to therapy if it is considered necessary or talking to family and friends.

  80. Pablo Eduardo Marciano Ortiz
    August 24,2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    to have a healthier lifestyle we have to manage our time and create routines, these routines will help us to have discipline because you will compromise or would you compromise yourself to do exercise and eat healthier. What should we put in the routine? Very healthy habits about good eating is eating lots of vegetables and eating fruits that will your help to have a better healthy organism only with eat well and the other part of the routine is do exercise, it is very healthy would you have better body and better blood circulation, example we could walk or run in the park in the mornings or simply do exercise legs, arms and abdomen at ours houses, how long? thirty minutes every day is good, do you remember rest one day a week.

    1. I totally agree with you partner, to stay healthy it is important to have discipline and above all to commit ourselves to maintain it, it is fundamental to have a healthy organism.

    2. Litzy Valeria Herrera Alonso
      Agosto 24, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa.

      I totally agree with you partner, to stay healthy it is important to have discipline and above all to commit ourselves to maintain it, it is fundamental to have a healthy organism.

  81. Litzy Valeria Herrera Alonso
    August 24, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa A2.

    Good health habits are of great help, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can avoid us diseases, you must maintain a good diet since it is something fundamental for a healthy lifestyle, this is one of the main characteristics, as well in exercise since it helps us to strengthen the bones, the heart, the lungs and tone the muscles, when eating healthy we improve our mood and stay relaxed. Also don’t forget to get enough sleep, this is also part of a healthy lifestyle.

  82. Karla Irene Cantú Morales
    August 27, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2.

    It is very important to add to our daily life a healthier lifestyle, keeping in mind that exercising every day and eating healthy will help you avoid high risk diseases (type 2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension, etc.). To start with this new habit you can start creating your own exercise routines at home or at the gym, first start doing 10 to 20 minutes a day of cardio, try to give up carbohydrates and sugars as soon as possible, drink 2 liters of water a day, have a light dinner and you will start to see changes and feel very good about yourself, your body will have a better blood circulation and you will learn that eating healthy and having a healthy life is better.

    1. Frida Fabiola Salinas Torres
      August 28, 2021
      Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa A2
      How can I be healthy?
      That's a very popular question because it's a complex term but there are little changes you can make for your health to improve. You should stop driving a car on your way to work and instead try using more your legs. Walking is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise you won't damage your knees that much and you will burn fat easier. In comparison with running, walking is incredibly noble, you won't exhaust yourself too much and it's nice to walk in the park. Another thing you can do is to improve your meals, by that, I mean counting calories but don't let yourself get too obsessed because that's unhealthy.
      There are little things you can do to become fit, you should drink enough water, eat healthily, do physical jobs around the house, go to the gym, sleep 8 to 9 hours a day, and take care of your mental health is highly important.
      There are quite a few things you can do to improve your health, you just need to be constant and discipline, to make this routine yours, and once it becomes part of your lifestyle things will change for the better and get easier.

  83. Vivian Guadalupe Ortiz Rodriguez
    August 29, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2.

    Good health habits are of great help, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, for a healthy lifestyle, enough sleep, is also part of a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to have a balance between your mind and your body, develop good habits. You can meditate for a better concentration before starting your day and don´t use your mobile as soon as you wake up, give yourself some time for you, be positive and organize your time. For your body, you must have a balanced diet, and exercise for 30 minutes for a better physical condition, also so you can have energy for the daily, don´t drink alcohol or smoke, they can damage your body over time.

    1. Kelly Lizbeth Martinez Granados
      August 29, 2021
      Laboratorio de Certificacion Lengua Inglesa A2

      I agree with you, exercising for 30 minutes will help you relax and eating healthy will be of great help since it avoids diseases, giving yourself time for yourself and thinking about yourself gives much to desire self-love is important for a healthy lifestyle.

  84. Kelly Lizbeth Martinez Granados
    August 29, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificacion de Lengua inglesa A2

    In my opinion, lifestyle is important because it will reduce your chances of contracting coronary and cardiovascular disease and will level your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is necessary to eat well not only to have a correct physique but to avoid diseases. You can also do sports such as playing soccer, riding a bike etc. It is equally important to have a healthy mind, it will help you to be emotionally and mentally healthy. You will have to love yourself in order to have a healthy lifestyle. You can practice at home 10 to 15 minutes exercising helps you to be emotionally well it will be something easy.

    1. I agree with you to exercise and carry out a healthy lifestyle and totally recommended not only to be well with ourselves but also to prevent diseases that we may have over time due to not having a properly balanced diet, and it is it is best to accompany it with exercise whether we practice a sport or exercise at home.

  85. Well, in my opinion I think we can be healthier by taking care of our lifestyle, which I mean by this, to carry out a balanced diet according to the plate of good eating, and obviously leaving aside the things that harm us in In this case, junk food, but we can also accompany it with a little exercise not so heavy, we can start with going for a walk all week 30 minutes, taking our pet for a walk, or going jogging / running for 25 to 30 minutes, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle as it helps us avoid cardiovascular diseases and at the same time to be good with ourselves

  86. Fatima Rocio Muzquiz Garcia
    August 30; 2021
    Laboratorio de certificacion de Lengua inglesa A2

    Having a healthy life is something very important, and not only talking about the physical but also the emotional or psychological; currently thanks to the pandemic is becoming more known mental health; this thanks to the confinement; the most common tips is that you should exercise at least 30 minutes a day, in addition to that you must respect the sleep schedule, which have to be 8 to 9 hours a day. however, it is always good to have a routine in terms of daily activities. in terms of physical health, It can always do physical jobs around the house.

    1. I totally agree with you, it's not only to avoid physical problems, emotional or psychological problems can be also solved with a healthy lifestyle.

  87. Raúl Alberto Miranda
    August 30, 2021
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    Being healthy and fit isn't for everyone. First of all, because you must be a disciplined and responsible person to maintain that lifestyle. Besides, you don't need to spend a lot of money on this, there are a lot of activities you can do in your own house or even without going to a gym. And it's not about to have a great physique, being healthy guarantees you a long life without diseases or physical problems.
    I can give you some tips to have a healthy lifestyle:
    - You should drink eight glasses of water a day.
    - You must eat only fruits and vegetables, and try to avoid junk food.
    - You should walk, run or jog at least 30 minutes a day.

    1. It is so interesting that you mentioned you must be disciplined and responsible to have a lifestyle like that, and however, when a person can stop all those harmful habits and do exercise even if it is not at a gym, their health would improve notably. Agree with you!

  88. Stephany Rocha Carranza
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa A2

    How can we become healthier? Health is really important to our body and for the mind too. So if we have a healthy body, we can say we have a healthy mind. If you want to become healthier you must be well-fed, with fruits and vegetables, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. And we should not consume tobacco or alcohol. Also, we might avoid junk food, soda, and excess coffee. In addition to having a balanced diet, must have to do is exercise. Can be walking or jogging, even exercise at home. That can sound difficult but just think about how happy you are going to live!

    1. I liked the advice you gave, you sat that mental health is also important to have a healthy body, and sometimes that is not mentioned much.

  89. Yehidi Rubí Morales Sánchez
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Extranjera A2

    I think that be healthier is good because that help you to stay well with your body and with yourself. There are many things that you can to do to stay healthy, for example, you should do exercise to have a healthier body; you must eat vegetables and fruits because that help you to many things for example your hair, vision, etc. And one that I think is the most important for me is drink water, no soda, just water, the water help you more than soda. And don’t forget the mental health, you shouldn’t stress too much.

    1. Katherine Giovana López Hernández 30/08/2021.
      Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Extranjera A2.

      I agree with you, first we have to be well mentally so we can carry out the physical change that we want or that we are looking for, just as we should not demand more than our body can, because that can hurt us, just as not only exercise will help us to lead a healthy life, this also involves eating healthy and stop drinking soda so we can drink water to also help us to be hydrated at all times.

  90. Katherine Giovana López Hernández.
    Laboratorio de Certificación de Lengua Extranjera A2.

    In order to lead a healthy life, we have to start with our mentality to be in agreement with the change we are going to make.
    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about exercising, but also about eating healthy, not consuming so much junk food, not consuming so much junk food, not consuming so much soda and then gradually giving way to consuming enough water to keep us hydrated, but I think it's more about having a good mindset to be able to lead the life we want to lead.

  91. Lucía Guadalupe Oliva Montoya
    August 31, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2.

    You're right! We need attend our minds to have a healthy bodies. By the way, eat healthy food, sleep well, drink so much water, do exercise often, it helps too, but I totally agree with the fact that to have a healthy mind it's the key of all.

  92. Lucía Guadalupe Oliva Montoya
    August 31, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2.

    I really think that to have a good and healthy life we need to change our habits, we need to make a perfect balance in our minds and bodies. Talk to healthy lifestyle it's more than drink water, eat healthy food, do exercise, sleep well and more habits that we all know, having a healthy lifestyle it's attend our mental health too, with actions like read a book, do yoga or meditation, smile a lot, be happy, don't stress and being a good person. I think it's fifty fifty, mind and body like one, one in the same.

    1. You are right, talking about a healthy life goes beyond just eating fruits and vegetables, it is a lifestyle and if doing it right helps you do things right in your day.

  93. Alexa Valverde Cárdenas
    Laboratorio de certificación de lengua inglesa A2.

    In my opinion, I feel that a healthy life is not only physically, eating well and exercising, it also depends on the mental, healthy life encompasses the entire body.
    It is very important that you do not have to do extreme diets since it is only a matter of eating moderately and knowing how to measure your portions, you can eat pizza, hamburger, tacos, etc.
    We must get rid of the idea that if you see a person with a lot of weight it does not mean that he is an unhealthy person, and the same if we see a very thin person.
    It is important to sleep well, not bad to spend hours with meals and go for a 15 minute walk, you do not need to go to a gym to have a good body, there are videos on YouTube where you can do exercises for your whole body and for free.
    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will reduce your chances of getting coronary heart disease and will level your blood and sugar levels.

    1. I agree with you, we should be concerned not only about our physical health but also about our mental health. We have to have a balance in our life.

  94. Ana Luisa Contreras Banda
    September 01th, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    Achieving a healthy life is not as difficult as you think, it is essential that we stay healthy in our life, to achieve this we have to good habits. For example, you must exercise regularly and monitor your weight. Don’t drink a lot of alcohol and smoke, we have to drink eight glasses of water, it is the equivalent of drinking two liters of water a day and sleep eight hours. Eat fruits and vegetables, let's avoid soda and junk food. We should go to a specialist, we have to poor physical or mental health. A balance in mental health is very important. The physical and the mental have to be in sync. You don't have to start from now, go at your own pace. Step by step and you will finally see your results.

    1. Yadira Ivon Garza Guevara
      I agree with you on the importance of not smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and having a good mental health balance in order to become in a healthy person.

  95. Yadira Ivon Garza Guevara
    September 01th, 2021
    Laboratorio de certificación en lengua inglesa A2

    To become in a healthy person you need time, dedication and also be mentally prepared. You should start to have a good schedule to sleep and to exercise, you don't have to go to a gym to do it, doing physical jobs at home is fine, like sweeping or taking your pet for a walk, but not everything is physical jobs, you should also stop eating fast food and drinking sugary drinks. Changing small habits in our life like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help us, so we will be more active and have less health problems.


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